Renovation Tales 2
Oh my “where has the time gone?”. The plan was to post monthly updates not half yearly ones! I can’t even blame this leave of absence due to no work being carried out. As plenty has happened since April. My only reason for the lack of communication is possibly due to the fact that the work undertaken has been of the kind that is all the legwork for the foundations of the new build. Its the real grit and grubby work such as underpinnings, footings, demolition, excavation and the brick and mortar. Not really my cup of tea!
The up side of all this is that we now have a slab in a place. Not just 1 but 2! With both the basement and new ground floor of the house in place. Walls have been built too. Its really taking shape now.
I definitely need to get my skates on and start making decisions on important key exterior architectural features such as the doors and windows which I have been researching – planning to tell you more of this in my next post.
Instead of boring you with lots of snaps, I have compiled the pictures into a video clip to show you the progress made.
Hope you are impressed with both the progress and the video clip!